This is a small 25mm by 30mm MultiWii board I started designing a while ago. I haven’t had much time to refine or test it. I did create a prototype board but that’s about it. The intent was to create a board small enough to be used on micro quads, helicopters, and planes. I’m providing…
FrSky Taranis
The radio doesn’t sit flat on the bottom when you set it down on a level surface. External TX module pins must be bent to fit modules.
Blade 130X
Project 130X. Had a Rakon DFC CNC head that was not square from the factory so I pounded on it with a hammer to make it straight. It appears to be possible to use an S107 tail motor to repair/replace the 130x servo motor. The S107 motor is 4mm and the servo motor is normally…
Bought a cheap mCPX off eBay that had a broken 3-in-1. Fixed the 3-in-1 and converted to brushless using C05XL and super-FET XP-3A (double FET’s). Main motor PWM signal (from resistor on back of board) is 1kHz. On the 9x using OrangeRX TX module throttle ranges from -72% (completely off) to +72% (solid full throttle…
HiSKY for 9x
Transmitter project for the HiSKY protocol used with things like the WLToys V922
See also my HiSKY/HT8 for 9x thread. Attached is my ER9x model for the V922. I have the HT8 set for Futaba mode. Note this model has no “beginner” mode or even idle-down (ie. full 3D always). To fly start with the F.MODE switch all the way up (ID0), move pitch/throttle to mid-stick, then switch…
Skyartec TX module for the 9x
This is a TX module for the 9x that works with Skyartec receivers (eg. Wasp 100 Nano CP, etc). It uses an off-the-shelf generic CC2500 module (eBay/China) and has an integrated LNA that provides 100mW output. The RF module is controlled by an Arduino Pro Mini board which converts the PPM signal from the 9x…
https://github.com/c—/MultiWiiCL This is a command line text based tool for configuring MultiWii. It also provides a full scripting environment for whatever fancy future use. I needed this because MultiWiiConf wouldn’t run at all on my old laptop and on my newer laptop it was really slow and too fat. I also wanted a way to…
DEVO TX module for the 9x
I have been flying a Genius CP (DEVO) with a 9x for a few days now and while I probably don’t have all the issues worked out I figured it’s time to post some information. This will be a continuous work in progress. BEWARE, the MTC-01 is known to be flaky at times and especially…
Warthox inspired 400mm quad project
First I used LibreCAD to create a frame design. Inspired by Warthox but smaller. Then I printed it on copper clad board using an inkjet so I would have an accurate pattern to follow. I drilled all the rounded corners then cut the rest with a cut off wheel. I can’t easily express how much…