See also my HiSKY/HT8 for 9x thread. Attached is my ER9x model for the V922. I have the HT8 set for Futaba mode. Note this model has no “beginner” mode or even idle-down (ie. full 3D always). To fly start with the F.MODE switch all the way up (ID0), move pitch/throttle to mid-stick, then switch…
Skyartec TX module for the 9x
This is a TX module for the 9x that works with Skyartec receivers (eg. Wasp 100 Nano CP, etc). It uses an off-the-shelf generic CC2500 module (eBay/China) and has an integrated LNA that provides 100mW output. The RF module is controlled by an Arduino Pro Mini board which converts the PPM signal from the 9x…
JSON encoder and decoder for Lua
My implementation of JSON using the LPeg library.
Porter stemming algorithm in Lua
This is an implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm in Lua. It uses the LPeg library.
https://github.com/c—/MultiWiiCL This is a command line text based tool for configuring MultiWii. It also provides a full scripting environment for whatever fancy future use. I needed this because MultiWiiConf wouldn’t run at all on my old laptop and on my newer laptop it was really slow and too fat. I also wanted a way to…
DEVO TX module for the 9x
I have been flying a Genius CP (DEVO) with a 9x for a few days now and while I probably don’t have all the issues worked out I figured it’s time to post some information. This will be a continuous work in progress. BEWARE, the MTC-01 is known to be flaky at times and especially…
Warthox inspired 400mm quad project
First I used LibreCAD to create a frame design. Inspired by Warthox but smaller. Then I printed it on copper clad board using an inkjet so I would have an accurate pattern to follow. I drilled all the rounded corners then cut the rest with a cut off wheel. I can’t easily express how much…
Arduino USB Linker
SHA1 implemented in Lua
This is a SHA1 implementation for LuaJIT. Take a look at the source for example usage and documentation. The performance is decent considering this is written in a scripting language but I appreciate any ideas for improving the speed (loop unrolling?). In my benchmarks this version appears to be around 3.6 times slower than the…
Easily build simonk firmware on Windows
This project is to make changing the simonk ESC firmware settings a little easier if you’re using Windows. This assumes you have downloaded the simonk firmware and have a directory with all the files in it. First download this zip and extract the two files inside in to your simonk directory. Now edit the “tgy.asm”…